Hey there guys,
I was skimming through the Military Report recently and noticed a couple of things that you guys need to stop doing. The first of which is that alot of you are still putting equites into your colonising forces. Equites don't attack walls so there is no point in putting them in an attacking force where they will be required to destroy walls. I have seen a bunch of you lose alot of eqs in colonise attacks and to be perfectly honest, putting them in colo attacks is very sloppy.This leads to my second topic.
Alot of you are using large forces in your attacks on cities which have no forces and no walls. In a colonise attack your troops need to beat both the enemy troops and the enemy wall, after they have done that you win the attack. When you attach a large force to your colonise attempt against a city with no wall and troops you are risking all of those troops.
When you attach a large force to your colonise attempt against a city with no wall and troops you are risking all of those troops instead of just 1 hast. I don’t mind you people who send 100/100/100 hast and 100/100/100 sag in your colonise attacks against my example city (although I don’t approve of it either), but sending large amounts of troops against such cities is just sloppy and honestly, it’s those kind of attack which will get all of your troops killed.
This leads directly onto my next point. A lot of you are still not using decoys in your marauds and colonise attacks. There is no reason to avoid using these, ESPECIALLY considering how many hostiles have been added to our list of enemies. A hostile will not think twice about spiking one of your attacks, even if it’s not on someone in their league.
Every time I see a list of reports which don't contain one single decoy I am tempted to start sending people mails about why decoys are so important and I doubt that any of you want to start receiving those, nor do I want to send them. It’s a pain in the butt for me to have to explain why decoys are important to every single person in this league who doesn’t use decoys and it’s a pain in the butt for every single one of them to have to read those messages. So next time you want to not use a decoy, stop and think about whether you want to start receiving mails from me.
To those that do use decoys/runners in their attack I want to congratulate you and bake every single one of you a cake however, to the rest of you this is your first and only warning: The next time that I see an attack containing 0 decoys you can expect to receive a lot of very angry and long mails from me until you do use them.
I am fully aware that some of you may not know what a decoy is, which brings me to my final part of these lengthy mails. There is this thing that IronTalon members have access to, it is called “League chat.” Use it. I know that I said that I hate explaining decoys to every single person in this league, but I hate it less if I’m explaining it because you asked about it instead of having to explain it because you lost all your troops. I never stop hearing about how IronTalon members don’t ask enough questions and how the chat is always dead, well guess what ladies and gentlemen. We all live in different timezones and there is always someone on, there is always someone who can talk to you and if you don’t receive an answer to your question the first time that you ask it then ask it again the next time that you come on. If for whatever reason you do not know how to use League Chat then mail someone about it.If you have any questions that weren't answered please ask about it in league chat.
Love y'all
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